Found 999+ experts

Randall Kroszner

National University of Singapore

Booth School of Business

Norman R. Bobins Professor of Economics at Booth School of Business

James Schrager

Booth School of Business

Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management at Booth School of Business

Kevin Rock

Booth School of Business

Clinical Professor of Finance at Booth School of Business

Haresh Sapra

Booth School of Business

Leon Carroll Marshall Professor of Accounting at Booth School of Business

George Wu

Booth School of Business

John P. and Lillian A. Gould Professor of Behavioral Science at Booth School of Business

Boaz Keysar

Booth School of Business

Professor of Psychology at Booth School of Business

Pradeep Chintagunta

Booth School of Business

Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing at Booth School of Business

Edgar Mayoral Palanca

Booth School of Business

Strategy. Associate Professor at Booth School of Business

Edward Freeman

Temasek Management Services

Darden School of Business

Elis and Signe Olsson Professor of Business Administration; at Darden School of Business

David Newkirk

Darden School of Business