Found 999+ experts

Maria De Casas


Associate Professor at Instituto de Empresa at -

Gerard de Melo

Hasso Plattner Institut

Professor at Hasso Plattner Institut

Francis de Véricourt


Professor of Management Science at ESMT

Pablo De Llergo

Professor Corporate Strategy & Project Management at ESADE Business & Law School

Kristine De Valck

HEC Paris

HEC Paris in Qatar

Dean of Degree Programs / Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris

Bart de Langhe

Luxembourg School of Business

ESADE Business School

Associate Professor, Department of Marketing in ESADE, Contracted Doctoral Professor at ESADE Business School

Mark de Rond

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Professor of Organisational Ethnography Fellow of Darwin College at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Margaret De Lattre

Hult Ashridge Executive Education

Henley Business School

Managing Director Leading Edge Learning Ltd at Ashridge Executive Education

Bert De Reyck

UCL School of Management

Director Professor at UCL School of Management