Found 999 experts

Sandy Klasa

Eller Executive Education

Professor of Finance, Anheuser-Busch Endowed Chair at Eller Executive Education

Shervin Tehrani

Assistant Professor Of Marketing

Casey Schwab

Kelley School of Business

Associate Professor at Kelley School of Business

Ferdinando Monte

McDonough School of Business

Assistant Professor at McDonough School of Business

Claudia Custodio

Imperial College London

Associate Professor of Finance at Imperial College Business School

Hai Lu

Rotman School of Management

Professor of Accounting (on leave July 2016 – June 2017) at Rotman School of Management

Deljana Iossifova

Alliance Manchester Business School

Senior Lecturer in Urban Studies at Alliance Manchester Business School

Michael Broder

Villanova University

Adjunct Professor at Villanova University

Rishideep Roy

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Ingunn Myrtveit

BI Norwegian Business School

Head of Department, Professor - Department of Accounting Auditing and Business Analytics at BI Norwegian Business School