Found 999+ experts

Rafael Martins de Lima

CEO at Martinsdelima / Associate Professor of Finance at Instituto de Empresa

Santiago Garcia de Juana

IE Business School

Professor of Valuation in the Master in Finance (MIF) at IE Business School

Miguel De Luna González

IE Business School

Adjunt Professor at IE Business School

Raul Sanchez De La Sierra

Haas School of Business

Assistant Professor at Haas School of Business

John Tobin De La Puente

Cornell Institute for Public Affairs


Professor of Practice, Academic Director of Grand Challenges Program, CEMS Program Director at Cornell Institute for Public Affairs

Consuelo García de la Torre

EGADE Business School

Anna Sáez de Tejada Cuenca

IESE Business School

Assistant Professor of Production, Technology and Operations Management at IESE Business School

Jean-Louis Van de Perre

INSEAD Business School

Guest Lecturer International Taxation at INSEAD Business School

Alfonso Delgado De Molina Rius

Imperial College London

Emerging Tech Consultant & Imperial College PhD Candidate at Imperial College Business School

Pedro Moreno De Los Rios

IE Business School

Professor, Bachelor in Information Systems Management and Master in Visual and Digital Media at IE Business School