Found 999+ experts

Annabelle Gawer

Imperial College London

Said Business School

Casual - Visiting lect, guest spkr, ext. examiner at Imperial College London

Chaired Professor in Digital Economy at University of Surrey/Visiting Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Said Business School

Chaired Professor in Digital Economy at University of Surrey

Gill Graves

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Arnaud Gasnier

UCL School of Management

Adjunct Teaching Fellow at UCL School of Management

Rikke Duus

Hult Ashridge Executive Education

UCL School of Management

Senior Teaching Fellow Honorary Research Associate at UCL School of Management

Peter Clark

UCL School of Management

Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL School of Management

Kathy Kram

Boston University

Professor Emeritus of Management & Organizations at Boston University

Michael Meurer

Boston University

Abraham and Lillian Benton Scholar, Professor of Law at Boston University

Allen Michel

Boston University

Harvard Graduate School of Design

Professor of Finance at Boston University