Found 999+ experts

Robert Livingston

Harvard Kennedy School

Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

Robert Putnam

Harvard Kennedy School

Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy, HKS and FAS at Harvard Kennedy School

Robert Agranoff

Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Professor Emeritus at Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Robert Marshak

American University School of Public Affairs

Dist. Scholar in Res Emeritus at American University School of Public Affairs

Robert Hawkins

Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Affiliated Faculty, NYU Wagner; McSilver Associate Professor in Poverty Studies, NYU Silver School of Social Work at Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Robert Monroe

Tepper School of Business

Associate Teaching Professor of Business Technologies Co-Director of the MS in Product Management program at Tepper School of Business

Robert Bray

Kellogg School of Management

Associate Professor of Operations at Kellogg School of Management

Robert Hughes

The Wharton School

Kellogg School of Management

Clinical Assistant Professor of Executive Education, Senior Program Director of Executive Education at Kellogg School of Management

Assistant Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics at The Wharton School

Robert Salomon

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Vice Dean (Executive Programs)/Professor of International Management & NEC Faculty Fellow at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Robert Keohane

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Professor of International Affairs, Emeritus at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs