Found 598 experts

John Campbell

CBS Executive

Professor of Sociology at CBS Executive

Richard Waters

University of San Francisco School of Management

Associate Professor at University of San Francisco School of Management

Dana Cuff

Luskin School of Public Affairs

Professor of Architecture/Urban Design and Urban Planning at Luskin School of Public Affairs

Karl Weick

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Professor Emeritus of Organizational Behavior and Psychology at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Janelle Heineke

Boston University

Professor and Chair of the Department of Operations and Technology Management at Boston University

Eli Noam

School of International and Public Affairs

Columbia Business School

Paul Garrett Professor of Public Policy and Business Responsibility at Columbia Business School

Professor, Finance and Economics at School of International and Public Affairs

Badi Baltagi

Syracuse University

Distinguished Professor, Economics at Syracuse University

Willem Buiter

School of International and Public Affairs

Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs at School of International and Public Affairs

Jarek Kurnitski

Aalto University School of Business

Adjunct Professor at Aalto University School of Business