Found 643 experts

Sanat Sarkar

Fox School of Business

Chair and Cyrus H. K. Curtis Professor at Fox School of Business

James Smith

Cox School of Business

Kelley School of Business

Professor of FinanceCary Maguire Chair of Oil and Gas Management (Retired) at Cox School of Business

Senior Lecturer Emeritus at Kelley School of Business

Alan Krueger

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Bendheim Professor of Economics and Public Policy; Director, Survey Research Center (SRC) at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Jennifer Chatman

Haas School of Business

Paul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management at Haas School of Business

Jarrod Goentzel

MIT Professional Education

Director MIT Humanitarian Supply Chain Lab at MIT Professional Education

Lance Compa

ILR School

Senior Lecturer at ILR School

Robin Coulter

UCONN - University of Connecticut

Professor at UCONN - University of Connecticut

William Wilson

Harvard Kennedy School

Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor at Harvard Kennedy School

Dana Born

Harvard Kennedy School

Australia and New Zealand School of Government

Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

Lecturer in Public Policy. Co-Director, Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School

Judith Tansky

Fisher College of Business

Senior Lecturer at Fisher College of Business