Found 999+ experts

James Cody

Haslam College of Business

Director, Aerospace & Defense Executive Programs, University of Tennessee at Haslam College of Business

Kenneth Gilbert

Haslam College of Business

Professor Emeritus at Haslam College of Business

Debbie Mackey

Haslam College of Business

Distinguished Lecturer at Haslam College of Business

Laura Born

Booth School of Business

Adjunct Professor of Finance at Booth School of Business

Hans Christensen

Booth School of Business

Professor of Accounting and David G. Booth Faculty Fellow at Booth School of Business

Lindsey Lyman

Booth School of Business

Clinical Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at Booth School of Business

Scott Meadow

Booth School of Business

Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship at Booth School of Business

Michael Minnis

Booth School of Business

Associate Professor of Accounting at Booth School of Business

Ram Shivakumar

Booth School of Business

Clinical Professor / Adjunct Professor of Economics and Strategy at Booth School of Business