Found 598 experts

David Meltzer

Harris School of Public Policy

Professor at Harris School of Public Policy

Denise Rousseau

Heinz College

University Professor, Carnegie Mellon University; H.J. Heinz II Professor of Organizational Behavior and Public Policy, Heinz College and Tepper School of Business at Heinz College

David Reibstein

The Wharton School

William Stewart Woodside Professor, Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School

Cass Sunstein

CBS Executive

Harvard Kennedy School

Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, HLS at Harvard Kennedy School

Alicia Munnell

Carroll School of Management

peter f. drucker chair in management sciences - finance department at Carroll School of Management

Robert Higgins

Foster School of Business

Harvard Business School

Senior Lecturer of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Professor Emeritus of Finance at Foster School of Business

Kathleen Vohs

Carlson School of Management

Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Land O'Lakes Chair in Marketing at Carlson School of Management

Meghann Drury-Grogan

Fordham University

Associate Professor Communications and Media Management at Fordham University

Mark Peterson

Eller Executive Education

Luskin School of Public Affairs

Professor of Public Policy, Political Science, and Law at Luskin School of Public Affairs

Lecturer at Eller Executive Education

Duane Windsor

Jones Graduate School of Business

Lynette S. Autrey Professor of Management - Strategic Management at Jones Graduate School of Business