Found 999+ experts

Fred Foulkes

Boston University

Director, Human Resources Policy Institute; Professor of Management & Organizations at Boston University

Susan Bartholomew

Smith School of Business

Adjunct Associate Professor & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of International Business at Smith School of Business

Pai Ling Yin

USC Marshall School of Business


Associate Professor of Clinical Entrepreneurship and Director, Technology Commercialization Initiative at USC Marshall School of Business

Janne Tienari

Hanken School of Economics

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Strategy Work at Aalto University School of Business

Ann Schlosser

Foster School of Business

Professor of Marketing at Foster School of Business

Holger Patzelt

TUM School of Management

Professor of Entrepreneurship at TUM School of Management

Lauri Parkkonen

Aalto University School of Business

Associate Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Simona Botti


Professor of Marketing; Chair, Marketing Faculty at -

Alexandra Schwartz

Sotheby's Institute of Art

Adjunct Professor at Fashion Institute of Technology at Sotheby's Institute of Art

Angela Seaworth

Lecturer, Management and Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations, Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector, Fundraising in Nonprofit Organizations at Texas A&M Bush School