Found 999+ experts

Chrysanthos Dellarocas

Boston University

Richard C. Shipley Professor of Management / Associate Provost for Digital Learning & Innovation at Boston University

Todd Jick

Columbia Business School

Senior Lecturer in Discipline in Business at Columbia Business School

Pieter Serneels


Professor of Economics at -

Oleg Urminsky

Booth School of Business

Professor of Marketing at Booth School of Business

Christer Karlsson

CBS Executive

Stockholm School of Economics

Professor Emeritus at Stockholm School of Economics

Professor, ph.d at CBS Executive

Rosa Abrantes Metz

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Adjunct Associate Professor at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Arthur Boni

Tepper School of Business

The John R. Thorne Distinguished Career Professor of Entrepreneurship at Tepper School of Business

David Ager

Harvard Graduate School of Design

Harvard Business School

Lecturer in Executive Education/Managing Director, Executive Development, Executive Education at Harvard Business School

Laura Veldkamp

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

William R. Berkley Professorship in Economics, Business-term Professorship at Leonard N. Stern School of Business