Found 999+ experts

Maxime Parodi

Sciences Po

Sociologue - at Sciences Po

Alain Venditti

EDHEC Business School

Affiliate Professor, Member of the Economics Research Centre at EDHEC Business School

Yann Duzert

Rennes School of Business

Associate Professor at Rennes School of Business

Maryse Dubouloy


Emeritus Professor, Management Department at ESSEC

Daniel Haguet

EDHEC Business School

Associate Professor at EDHEC Business School

Michel Gordin


Teaching Professor, Accounting and Management Control Department at ESSEC

Joaquim i Vila-Abadal

IESE Business School

Professor Associat at IESE Business School

Christophe Roquilly

EDHEC Business School

Dean for Faculty and Research - Director of LegalEdhec Research Centre, Co-Head of LL.M Law & Tax Management - Professor at EDHEC Business School

Patricia Charléty


Professor, Economics Department at ESSEC