Found 999+ experts

Ian Holloway

Luskin School of Public Affairs

Associate Professor at Luskin School of Public Affairs

Shyam Sunder

Eller Executive Education

Yale School of Management

James L. Frank Professor of Accounting, Economics, and Finance at Yale School of Management

Associate Dean, Eller MBA Programs, Associate Professor of Accounting, BeachFleischman Professor of Accounting at Eller Executive Education

Timothy Derdenger

Tepper School of Business

Associate Professor of Marketing and Strategy at Tepper School of Business

Arthur Kleinman

Harvard VPAL

Professor of Medical Anthropology in the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard VPAL

Dean Ho

National University of Singapore

Director at The N.1 Institute for Health, Provost’s Chair Professor at National University of Singapore

Andrew Choong

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor Of Surgery at National University of Singapore

Jose Luis Nueno

IESE Business School

Professor of Marketing at IESE Business School

Henry Cao


Professor of Finance and Chair of Finance Department at CKGSB

LAN Ziquan

NUS Institute of Systems Science

Research Fellow National University of Singapore at NUS Institute of Systems Science