Found 999+ experts

Jeremy Ghez

HEC Paris

Associate Professor of Economics and International Affairs (Education Track) at HEC Paris

Strobe Talbott

Brookings Institution

Distinguished Fellow - Foreign Policy at Brookings Institution

Abbie Griffin

David Eccles School of Business

Royal L. Garff Presidential Chair in Marketing at David Eccles School of Business

Michael Houston

Carlson School of Management

Associate Dean, Ecolab-Pierson M. Grieve Chair in International Marketing at Carlson School of Management

J.D. Schramm

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Eric Orts

The Wharton School

Guardsmark Professor at The Wharton School

Delores Conway

USC Marshall School of Business

Simon Business School

Associate Professor Emeritus of Data Sciences and Operations at USC Marshall School of Business

Professor of Real Estate Economics and Statistics at Simon Business School

Sanjoy Banerjee

ETH Zurich

Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at Zurich School for Continuing Education

Pramodita Sharma

Kellogg School of Management

Foster School of Business

Professor of Family Enterprises at Kellogg School of Management

Christine Exley

Harvard Business School

Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School