Found 999+ experts

Francis Wafula

Strathmore Business School

Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Management at Strathmore Business School

Alexander Thew


Instructor of Economics at United States Military Academy at West Point at -

Martin Neil Baily

Brookings Institution

Bernard L. Schwartz Chair in Economic Policy Development Senior Fellow - Economic Studies, Center on Regulation and Markets at Brookings Institution

Sara DePasquale

UNC School of Government

Chris Gibbons

GIBS Business School

Editor: Acumen (GIBS); Presenter: Morning Markets, AlgoaFM; Media Training at GIBS Business School

Sarah Barnette


Guest Lecturer in Creative Writing at University of Copenhagen at -

Chara Armon

Villanova University

Associate Teaching Professor at Villanova University

Liam Hardy

Harvard Law School

Adjunct Professor at Notre Dame Law School / Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School

Ahmed Khwaja

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Professor of Marketing, Business & Public Enterprise Head of the Marketing Subject Group at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Sofia Kalantzi

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Lecturer at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University