Found 263 experts

Niclas Hellman

Stockholm School of Economics

Associate Professor, Department of Accounting / Acting Professor, Department of Accounting at Stockholm School of Economics

Laura Peitz

Hertie School of Governance

BTS Doctoral Student 2016 at Hertie School of Governance

Allen Yang

Berkeley Engineering Executive & Professional Education

Executive Director FHL Vive Center for Enhanced Reality at Berkeley Engineering Executive & Professional Education

Andrea Römmele

Hertie School of Governance

Dean of Executive Education and Professor for Communication in Politics and Civil Society at Hertie School of Governance

Aki Vehtari

Aalto University School of Business

Associate Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Julie Buhl-Wiggers

CBS Executive

Assistant professor, at CBS Executive

Alexander Busold

Hertie School of Governance

Doctoral Programme in Governance 2016| Research Associate to Henrik Enderlein at Hertie School of Governance

Magnus Dahlquist

Stockholm School of Economics

Professor of Finance at Stockholm School of Economics

Fred Erling Wenstøp

BI Norwegian Business School

Professor Emeritus - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at BI Norwegian Business School

Ole Thyssen

CBS Executive

Professor emeritus, Dr. Phil at CBS Executive