Found 999+ experts

Mary Tripsas

Carroll School of Management

associate professor - management and organization departmentdirector, shea center for entrepreneurship at Carroll School of Management

Professor of Technology Management

Gavan Fitzsimons

Fuqua School of Business

Edward and Rose Donnell Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Gal Zauberman

Yale School of Management

Professor of Marketing at Yale School of Management

Stijn Van Osselaer

School of Hotel Administration

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

S.C. Johnson Professor of Marketing at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Matt Wray

Fox School of Business

Associate Professor at Fox School of Business

Dustin Tingley

Harvard Business School

Harvard Kennedy School

Professor of Government at Harvard Business School

John Fortunato

Fordham University

Professor and Area Chair Communications and Media Management at Fordham University

Daniel Martin

Kellogg School of Management

Associate Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences at Kellogg School of Management

Sandra Lindsay

Darla Moore School of Business

Clinical Professor, at Darla Moore School of Business

Hai Lu

Rotman School of Management

Professor of Accounting (on leave July 2016 – June 2017) at Rotman School of Management