Found 999+ experts

Thomas Roulet

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Associate Professor in Organisation Theory at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Marcelo Olivares

Associate Professor at Industrial Engineering at Universidad de Chile

Robert Freeman

McCombs School of Business

Professor at McCombs School of Business

David Soberman

Rotman School of Management

Canadian National Chair in Strategic MarketingChair of the Rotman DesignWorks Advisory BoardArea Coordinator, MarketingProfessor of Marketing at Rotman School of Management

Peter Phillips

Yale School of Management

Sterling Professor of Economics; Professor of Statistics at Yale School of Management

Stanley Katz

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Lecturer with rank of Professor of Public and International Affairs; Director, Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Keith Joiner

Eller Executive Education

Professor of Medicine, Economics, and Health Promotions Science at Eller Executive Education

Brian Mittendorf

Fisher College of Business

Chair, Department of Accounting & MISFisher Designated Professor of Accounting at Fisher College of Business

Mike Barger

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Executive Director, Ross Online and Clinical Assistant Professor at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Susan Vinnicombe

Cranfield School of Management

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Professor of Women and Leadership Strategy at Cranfield School of Management