Found 999+ experts

Lotte Svalgaard

INSEAD Business School

Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant at INSEAD Business School

Dan McGarry

Instructor & Course Designer of Human Resources Management

Sharat Raghavan

Haas School of Business

Visiting Fellow/Professor at National University of Singapore/Lecturer at Haas School of Business

Iain Scobbie

Alliance Manchester Business School

Chair in International Law at Alliance Manchester Business School

Doug Hatler

Rutgers Business School

Lecturer at Rutgers Business School

William Walker

NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Adjunct Faculty of Supply Chain Engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Ryan Davies

Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Professor of Finance at Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Mel Dowdy

Mendoza College of Business

Bill Gribbons

Bentley University

Professor of Information Design and Corporate Communication at Bentley University

Heikki Topi

Bentley University

Professor of Computer Information Systems at Bentley University