Found 829 experts

Veronica Hope Hailey

University of Bath School of Management

Professor of Strategy / Dean / Head of the School of Management at University of Bath School of Management

Jennifer Chatman

Haas School of Business

Paul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management at Haas School of Business

Martha Maznevski

IMD Business School

Ivey Business School

Yale School of Management

Professor of Organizational Behaviour & Faculty Co-Director of Executive Education at Ivey Business School at IMD Business School

Professor, Organizational Behaviour at Ivey Business School

Heidi Schultz

Kenan-Flagler Business School

Clinical Professor of Management and Corporate Communication at Kenan-Flagler Business School

Erin Wolf

Eli Broad College of Business

Coles College of Business

Founding Director, Women's Leadership Center at Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University at Eli Broad College of Business

Daniel Mayoral

Booth School of Business

IE Business School

Associate professor at IE Business School

Rosalind Chow

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Tepper School of Business

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory at Tepper School of Business

Anita Williams Woolley

Tepper School of Business

Associate Dean, Research; Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory at Tepper School of Business