Found 999+ experts

David Peng

The College of Business and Economics at Lehigh University

Professor at The College of Business and Economics at Lehigh University

Eric Arnould

Aalto University School of Business

Visiting Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Anton Kuzyk

Aalto University School of Business

Assistant Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Scott Kominers

Harvard Business School

Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Wolfgang Ulaga

IMD Business School

INSEAD Business School

Senior Affiliate Professor of Marketing at INSEAD Business School

Elizabeth Berger

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Assistant Professor at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Deirdre Reynolds

Alliance Manchester Business School

Professor of French at Alliance Manchester Business School

Jonas Puck

WU Executive Academy Vienna

Professor and Head of Institute at WU Executive Academy Vienna

Michele Gelfand

Stanford Graduate School of Business

The John H. Scully Professor in Cross-Cultural Management and Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Dan Judy

Harris School of Public Policy

Lecturer at Harris School of Public Policy