Found 999+ experts

Kai Chi Sam Yam

NUS Institute of Systems Science

Assistant Professor at NUS Institute of Systems Science

Yuyu Chen

Guanghua School of Management

Professor Applied Economics at Guanghua School of Management

Luh Luh Lan

NUS Institute of Systems Science

Academic Director (UCLA-NUS Executive MBA Program), Assoc Professor at NUS Institute of Systems Science

Kok-Lim Low

National University of Singapore

Assistant Professor at National University of Singapore

James Terry

Zayed University UAE

Professor at Zayed University UAE

Soi-Hoi Michael Lam

Nanyang Technological University

Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological University

Pradeep Chintagunta

Booth School of Business

Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing at Booth School of Business

Jayanth Narayanan

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor at National University of Singapore

Wendy Strobel Gower

ILR School

Director, Northeast ADA Center at ILR School

William Felix

Eller Executive Education

Eller Professor of Accounting, Emeritus at Eller Executive Education