Found 999+ experts

Adam Foster

Aalto University School of Business

Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Sven Rosenthal

INSEAD Business School

Entrepreneurial Partner for Business and Sustainability Research at INSEAD Business School

J. Robb Dixon

Boston University

Associate Professor Emeritus of Operations and Technology Management at Boston University

Hugues Langlois

HEC Paris

Associate Professor Finance at HEC Paris

Debbie Showler

Schulich Executive Learning Centre

Irina Zviadadze

HEC Paris

Associate Professor Finance at HEC Paris

Andra Perrin

THNK School of Creative Leadership

Isi Unikowski

Crawford School of Public Policy

Christian Borch

CBS Executive

Professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Inge Unneberg

BI Norwegian Business School

Associate Professor - Department of Law and Governance at BI Norwegian Business School