Found 999+ experts

Marina Niforos

HEC Paris

Affiliate Professor at HEC Paris

Hongsong Zhang

HKU Business School

Associate Professor of Economics at HKU Business School

Marylu Hill

Villanova University

Teaching Professor at Villanova University

Kah-Wee Ang

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor in The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National University of Singapore

Ingrid De Frankopan


Research Professor at -

Michael Leube

IE Business School

Professor at Santa Clara University, Lecturer at University of Applied Sciences, Adjunct Professor at IE Business School

Jasjit Singh

INSEAD Business School

Professor of Strategy at INSEAD Business School

Kent Smetters

The Wharton School

Boettner Professor at The Wharton School

Christian Schulze

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Associate Professor of Marketing at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Pierre Madec

Sciences Po

Economiste - département analyse et prévision at Sciences Po