Found 459 experts

Hermann Wagner

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Marc Drüner

Professor for Innovation management and Marketing

Yujie Liu


Researcher / Lecturer at Beijing Union University at -

Jobst Fiedler

Hertie School of Governance

Professor Emeritus of Public and Financial Management at Hertie School of Governance

Robert Dolan

Harvard Business School

Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School

Ilja Eisen

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Investor, Co-Founder at Flocktory / Menthor, Преподаватель режима запуска стартапа at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Lars Rodseth

Syracuse University

Associate Professor, Anthropology at Syracuse University

Eva Buechel

USC Marshall School of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at USC Marshall School of Business

Michael Gruning

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Adjunct Professor at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Takashi Hirai

University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Business Sciences

Professor in Business Strategy Area at University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Business Sciences