Found 999+ experts

Peter Walton


Emeritus Professor, Accounting and Management Control Department at ESSEC

Oren Sussman

Said Business School

Reader in Finance at Said Business School

Alexandre Ziegler

University of Zurich

Director Center for Portfolio Management at University of Zurich

Bart Lambrecht

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Professor of FinanceDirector of the Cambridge Centre for Finance (CCFin)Director of the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance (CERF) at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Rawi Abdelal

Harvard Business School

Herbert F. Johnson Professor of International Management and Emma Bloomberg Co-Chair of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative at Harvard Business School

Satish Jayachandran

Darla Moore School of Business

Chair, Department of Marketing, James F. Kane Professor of Business at Darla Moore School of Business

Kimberly Kessler Ferzan

University of Pennsylvania Law School

Earle Hepburn Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy; Co-Director, Institute of Law & Philosophy at University of Pennsylvania Law School

Valery Polkovnichenko


Associate Professor of Finance at University of Texas at Dallas at -

Sam Kruger

McCombs School of Business

Assistant Professor at McCombs School of Business

Markus Kittler

Antwerp Management School

Adjunct Professor at Antwerp Management School