Found 999+ experts

Angela Lee

Columbia Business School

Kellogg School of Management

Mechthild Esser Nemmers Professor of Marketing, Chair of Marketing Department at Kellogg School of Management

David Mazursky

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Kmart Professor of Marketing at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Jennifer Edson Escalas

Owen Graduate School of Management

Professor of Marketing at Owen Graduate School of Management

Anne Marie Knott

Olin Business School

Robert and Barbara Frick Professor of Business at Olin Business School

Ana Valenzuela Martínez

ESADE Business School

Visiting Adjunct Professor at NYU Stern School of Business / Visiting Professor of Marketing HKUST Business Schoo / Professor, Department of Marketing at ESADE Business School

Kenneth Shropshire

The Wharton School

David W. Hauck Professor Emeritus of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at The Wharton School

Michael Siegel

Boston University

Sloan School of Management

American University School of Public Affairs

Adjunct Professor at American University School of Public Affairs

Principal Research Scientist at Sloan School of Management

Professor, Community Health Sciences School of Public Health at Boston University

Kelly Hewett

Haslam College of Business

Associate Professor at Haslam College of Business

Alan Robinson

University of Massachusetts Amherst


Professor Operations & Information Management at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Lucy Gilson

UCONN - University of Connecticut

Associate Dean at UCONN - University of Connecticut