Found 999+ experts

Kristian Kreiner

CBS Executive

Professor emeritus, at CBS Executive

Robert White

Ivey Business School

Professor Emeritus, Finance at Ivey Business School

Anne Marie Knott

Olin Business School

Robert and Barbara Frick Professor of Business at Olin Business School

Prithwiraj Choudhury

Harvard Business School

Lumry Family Associate Professor Of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Alan Robinson

University of Massachusetts Amherst


Professor Operations & Information Management at University of Massachusetts Amherst

John Donaldson

Columbia Business School

Mario J. Gabelli Professor of Finance at Columbia Business School

Martin Persson

Ivey Business School

Assistant Professor, Managerial Accounting and Control at Ivey Business School

Richard Hornbeck

Booth School of Business

Professor of Economics and Neubauer Family Faculty Fellow at Booth School of Business

Ina Simonovska

University of California, Davis

Associate Professor Department of Economics at University of California, Davis