Found 999+ experts

Keely Croxton

Fisher College of Business

Professor of Logistics at Fisher College of Business

Xiaowei Rose Luo

INSEAD Business School

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise at INSEAD Business School

Stephen Bradley

Harvard Business School

William Ziegler Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus at Harvard Business School

Luis Garicano

The London School of Economics and Political Science

IE Business School

Booth School of Business

Strathmore Business School

Visiting Professor of Economics at Booth School of Business

Ruth Seow Kuan Tan

NUS Institute of Systems Science

Associate Professor at NUS Institute of Systems Science

Antonio Dávila

Imperial College London

Harvard Business School

Strathmore Business School

Stanford Graduate School of Business

IESE Business School

Professor of Entrepreneurship and Accounting and Control at IESE Business School

Luis Martins

McCombs School of Business

Professor and Chair, Department of Management at McCombs School of Business

Robert Holthausen

The Wharton School

Professor of Accounting and Finance at The Wharton School

Adriana Kugler

McCourt School of Public Policy

Professor McCourt School of Public Policy at McCourt School of Public Policy

Shana Bernstein

Kellogg School of Management

Clinical Associate Professor of Public-Private Interface Initiative, Clinical Associate Professor, Center for Legal Studies, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Kellogg School of Management