Found 999+ experts

Ph. Robert (Bob) McCann

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Adjunct Professor of Management and Organizations at Anderson School of Management

Stefano Giglio

Yale School of Management

Professor of Finance at Yale School of Management

Robert McCann

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Professor of Management and Organizations at Anderson School of Management

Jerry Green

Harvard Business School

David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy/John Leverett Professor in the University at Harvard Business School

Chiara Longoni

Boston University

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Boston University

Michael Walton

Harvard Kennedy School

Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

David Krackhardt

Tepper School of Business

Professor of Organizations, Heinz College and Joint Appointment at Tepper School of Business at Tepper School of Business

David Krackhardt

Heinz College

Professor of Organizations and Public Policy (Joint appointment with the Tepper School of Business) at Heinz College

Terance Wolfe

USC Marshall School of Business

Executive Director of Executive Education / Adjunct Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Donald Kettl

University of Maryland School of Public Policy

Professor at University of Maryland at University of Maryland School of Public Policy