Found 999+ experts

Peter Cleary

Cork University Business School

Senior Lecturer in Accounting at Cork University Business School

Peter Morici

The Robert H. Smith School of Business

Peter Maenhout

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Executive Vice-President at GIMV at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Peter Haslag

Owen Graduate School of Management

Assistant Professor of Finance at Owen Graduate School of Management

Peter Diamandis

Singularity University

Channel Business Manager at Xerox at Singularity University

Peter Norvig

Singularity University

Faculty at Singularity University

Peter Kim

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Peter McNeil

Aalto University School of Business

Peter Kelly

Mendoza College of Business

Assistant Professor at Mendoza College of Business

Peter Hinssen

London Business School

Lecturer 'Technology Enabled Innovation', 'Disruptive Innovation' and 'Day After Tomorrow Strategy' to the Senior Executive Program at London Business School