Found 999+ experts

Jeff York

Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Brent Neiman

Booth School of Business

Professor of Economics at Booth School of Business

Dmitry Savransky

School of Hotel Administration

Associate Professor at School of Hotel Administration

George Comer

McDonough School of Business

Associate Professor at McDonough School of Business

Gabriella Cacciotti


Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation at Baylor University at -

William Strange

Rotman School of Management

SmartCentres Chair of Real EstateProfessor of Economic Analysis and Policy at Rotman School of Management

Jia Lin Xie

Rotman School of Management

Magna Professor of Management” Professor of Organizational Behaviour & HR Management at Rotman School of Management

Ne-Te Duane Loh

National University of Singapore

Assistant Professor, Departments of Physics and Biological Sciences, Centre for Bioimaging Sciences at National University of Singapore

Slaven Garaj

National University of Singapore

Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering at National University of Singapore

Maureen Scully

Professor of Management / Interim Dean at University of Massachusett Boston