Found 999+ experts

Richard Bird

Rotman School of Management

Harvard Kennedy School

Professor Emeritus of Economic Analysis and Policy at Rotman School of Management

Robert Mendelsohn

Yale School of Management

Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor of Forest Policy & Professor of Economics at Yale School of Management

Nilanjan Roy

CityU College of Business

Assistant Professor at CityU College of Business

Tristan Pierre Maury

EDHEC Business School

Associate Professor, Member of the Economics research Centre at EDHEC Business School

Pierre Guillet de Monthoux

CBS Executive

Professor, Director of CBS Art Initiative at CBS Executive

Jonathan Hibbard

Boston University

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Boston University

Lerzan Aksoy

Fordham University

Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives, Professor of Marketing at Fordham University

Yogesh Joshi

The Robert H. Smith School of Business

Rajendra Singh

Darla Moore School of Business

Clinical Associate Professor, at Darla Moore School of Business