Found 999+ experts

Seppo Junnila

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Real Estate Business at Aalto University School of Business

Matti Kummu

Aalto University School of Business

Assitant Professor, Water Resources Engineering at Aalto University School of Business

Anand Nair

Eli Broad College of Business

Eli Broad Professor In Supply Chain Management at Eli Broad College of Business

Moran Cerf

Kellogg School of Management

Professor of Marketing at Kellogg School of Management

David Mitchell Reeb

National University of Singapore

Booth School of Business

Mr & Mrs Lin Jo Yan Professor in Banking and Finance, Professor at Booth School of Business

Susan Fournier

Boston University

Allen Questrom Professor and Dean; Professor of Marketing at Boston University

Robert Bruner

Darden School of Business

University Professor, Distinguished Professor of Business Administration and Dean Emeritus of the Darden School of Business at Darden School of Business

Marshall Fisher

The Wharton School

Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at The Wharton School

Costas Markides

London Business School

Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship; Robert P Bauman Chair in Strategic Leadership; Executive Education Faculty Director . BA and MA (Boston University), MBA and DBA (Harvard Business School) at London Business School