Found 999+ experts

Kimberly Griffin

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Matthew Murray

Haslam College of Business

Ball Corporation Professor in Business, Baker Center Director, Associate Director and Professor at Haslam College of Business

Raymond Noe

Fisher College of Business

Professor of Management & Human Resources at Fisher College of Business

Steven Finkler

Carey Business School

Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Professor Emeritus of Public and Health Administration, Accounting, and Financial Management at Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Daniel Skarlicki

Sauder School of Business

Professor, Marketing and Behavioural Science Division at Sauder School of Business

Mark Gooden

Teachers College Columbia University

Professor of Education Leadership at Teachers College Columbia University

Karl Moore

McGill Executive institute

Morten Huse

BI Norwegian Business School

Professor - Department of Communication and Culture at BI Norwegian Business School

Pippa Norris

Harvard Kennedy School

Paul F. McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics at Harvard Kennedy School

Elroy Dimson

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

London Business School

Emeritus Professor of Finance. BA (Newcastle), MCom (Birmingham), PhD (London) at London Business School

Research Director (Finance & Accounting)Chairman of the Newton Centre for Endowment Asset Management (CEAM) at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education