Found 999+ experts

Kim Wolske

Harris School of Public Policy

Research Associate Professor at Harris School of Public Policy

Satish Jayachandran

Darla Moore School of Business

Chair, Department of Marketing, James F. Kane Professor of Business at Darla Moore School of Business

Aliyah Sohani

Harvard Medical School

Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School

Eric Field

Darden School of Business

Director of Information Technology, UVA School of Architecture | Lecturer in Architecture at Darden School of Business

Jeroen van Wijk

Maastricht School of Management

Associate Professor Global Value Chain and Partnerships at Maastricht School of Management

Gaylon Alcaraz

DePaul University

Adjunct Professor at DePaul University

Niall Dowell

Imperial College London

Professor of Future Energy Systems at Imperial College London

Teng Cao

Imperial College London

Lecturer at Imperial College London

Mahmoud Pouladi


Associate Professor at The University of British Columbia at -

John Beardsley

Harvard Graduate School of Design

Adjunct Professor at Harvard Graduate School of Design