Deepa Pulipati

Executive Coach at Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute


  • Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute



Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute

Deepa’s deepest calling is service. She was born and raised in a traditional family in India, and has lived in modern Western culture in the United States for over two decades. As an immigrant, a parent, and a woman of color, she offers a bridge between more established perspectives and modern life. Multi-cultural sensitivity is her highest priority, while compassion, empathy and evidence-based solutions are the guiding principles.

After her Master’s program in Clinical Psychology, she became board-licensed clinician and worked for 14 years with San Francisco Superior Court in resolving child custody disputes. Her greatest satisfaction came from helping parents overcome their fears, explore power struggle dynamics and work through hurt. This was a journey to create a sense of belonging even in the aftermath of broken trust and bonds in families.

Deepa’s need to learn and grow in her work brought her to the world of leadership coaching where she applies the skills that she had honed as a mediator and solution focused clinician. She is trained and certified as an Executive Coach from the Berkeley executive coaching Institute. A big part of what she does is focused on balance: How do we strike a balance between tradition and modernity, between individual and as part of a larger group dynamic, between giving and taking, as well as moving forward and digging deep. Deepa prides herself in her ability to connect with clients from all backgrounds.

As a culturally competent coach, and a woman of color, she offers a wider lens through which she views her clients’ strengths, talents and unique contributions.

Deepa’s passion for teaching took her to Antioch University and for the last three years, she has taught Multicultural Awareness / Complexity & Ethics & the Law in the Master’s in Clinical Psychology program. She is a certified facilitator for the Daring Greatly™, Rising Strong™ & Teen BOLD™ programs through Brené Brown’s Daring Way.

She balances her professional life along with being a mother of a teenager, avid reader, cook enthusiast, Board member of her son’s school, multilingual speaker, and community builder.

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