Douglas Kriner

Associate Professor of Political Science at Boston University


  • Boston University



Boston University

Douglas Kriner is an associate professor of political science and the Director of Undergraduate Studies.  His research interests include American political institutions, separation of powers dynamics, and American military policymaking.  Professor Kriner graduated Phi Beta Kappa from MIT in 2001 and received his Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University in 2006.  His first book (with Francis Shen), The Casualty Gap: The Causes and Consequences of American Military Policymaking, documents the emergence, beginning in the Korean War, of socioeconomic inequalities in who bears the human costs of war.  It then traces the ramifications of these inequalities for politics and policy-making.  His second book, After the Rubicon: Congress, Presidents, and the Politics of Waging War, investigates the mechanisms through which Congress shapes the initiation, conduct and duration of major American military actions, even when it fails to write its policy preferences into law.  Professor Kriner’s work has also appeared in the_ American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics_, and_ British Journal of Political Science_, among other outlets. Professor Kriner’s teaching interests include courses on the presidency, Congress, domestic politics and the use of force, separation of powers, and quantitative methods.

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Trumpocracy review: David Frum’s appalled analysis lacks fire and fury

January 14, 2018

The Guardian Douglas Kriner The chaos that marked Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is a hallmark of his presidency… Expert quote: “Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan could very well have been winners for Clinton if their war casualties were lower.” View full article

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A New Poll Shows the Public Is Overwhelmingly Opposed to Endless US Military Interventions

January 9, 2018

E&E News Douglas Kriner Last week, the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Foreign Policy—a bipartisan advocacy group calling for congressional oversight of America’s lengthy list of military interventions abroad—released the results of a survey that show broad public support for Congress to reclaim its constitutional prerogatives in the exercise of foreign policy (see Article 1, […]

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Is America Standing On the Precipice of Another War?

August 9, 2017

National Interest quoting Douglas Kriner, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences “President Donald Trump has struggled in his first six months on the job…” Expert quote: “Trump’s ability to connect with voters in communities exhausted by more than fifteen years of war.” View full article. 

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Why won’t Congress really investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia?

May 2, 2017

Washington Post co-written by Doug Kriner, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences “Politicians, pundits, and scholars alike routinely call Congress the ‘broken branch.'” View full article. 

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Veterans, Feeling Abandoned, Stand by Donald Trump

November 3, 2016

New York Times Douglas Kriner, College of Arts & Sciences The roster of retired military officers endorsing Hillary Clinton in September glittered with decoration and rank… Expert quote: Nonfatal casualties seem to “not have the political punch that fatal casualties do,” Mr. Kriner said. View full article

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America’s wars take uneven toll, study finds

August 30, 2016

PhysOrg Douglas Kriner, College of Arts & Sciences In today’s wars, Americans who die or are wounded in battle are disproportionately coming from poorer parts of the country, according to a new study released this week… Expert quote: “Neither Democrats nor Republicans are willing to confront this deep social divide.” View full article

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The Survivor

June 29, 2016

U.S. News & World Report Douglas Kriner, College of Arts & Sciences Clinton outlasted the Benghazi committee, the latest iteration of a time-honored Washington tradition… View full article referencing expert Douglas Kriner

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Clinton campaign: Benghazi probe is Congress’ longest investigation ever

October 2, 2015

Politifact Douglas Kriner, College of Arts & Sciences Critics of the House of Representatives’ Benghazi investigation have recently begun to make a strong claim — that it is officially the longest congressional investigation in history… Expert quote: “On most metrics, reasonable people can agree that other investigations have been longer than (Benghazi).” View full article

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Electoral College is still important

July 28, 2015

Tyler Morning Telegraph Douglas Kriner, College of Arts & Sciences The campaign has begun — not the presidential race, though that has started, too. But the campaign to abolish the Electoral College is in full swing, and it’s a terrible, dangerous idea… Expert quote: “The weird incentives created by the Electoral College don’t just skew […]

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The Millions of Marginalized Americans

July 25, 2015

New York Times (subscription required) Douglas Kriner, College of Arts & Sciences Not long ago I had separate chats with two political insiders who offered to fill me in on Jeb Bush’s strategy, if he prevails in the primaries, for winning the general election… Expert quote: “The weird incentives created by the Electoral College don’t […]

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