Keith Meatto

Adjunct Assistant Professor at Leonard N. Stern School of Business


  • Leonard N. Stern School of Business



Leonard N. Stern School of Business

I am a versatile writer, nimble editor, and dedicated teacher.

I write journalism, reviews, and fiction. I help clients elevate their writing and engage their audience. I help students grow as writers while interrogating urgent social, political, economic, and environmental crises. In all my work, I view writing as a way to convey ideas, emotion, and beauty; engage readers' hearts and minds; and build a better world.

I’ve published articles, reviews, and essays in the New York Times, The Forward, The Millions, The Texas Observer, Guernica, and Mother Jones, and short stories in literary journals.

I help individual and institutional clients refine writing for publication. My editorial work includes fashion, art, and social science books; documentary film; novels; dissertations; and articles about music, books, film, food, travel, pop culture, business, and finance.

In Spring 2022, I'm teaching in the social impact and sustainability core program at NYU Stern School of Business.

I'm also teaching creative writing in the prison education program at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility and Taconic Correctional Facility.

I'm a Yale College graduate with an MFA in Writing from the New School.

My Signature Strengths are: Love of Learning; Zest; Humor; Curiosity; and Creativity. (

Throughout the pandemic, I’ve been studying Spanish, singing and playing guitar, practicing daily yoga and meditation, cooking (mostly) vegetarian,and playing low-key tennis. Since 2015, I've completed two marathons, 6 half-marathons, and many 10Ks and 5Ks.

I’m always seeking new opportunities to write stories, help people tell stories, and fight the good fight. If you work in media, non-profit, or education, let's talk.

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