Mark van Wyk

Head: Unlisted Investments, Portfolio Manager at University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business


  • University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business




University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business

Mark has specialised for over 17 years to become one of the leaders in providing institutional impact investments within Southern Africa. He was instrumental in developing Mergence as a pioneer impact investor when he joined in 2011. As portfolio manager of the Mergence Infrastructure & Development | Debt Fund, Mark obtained a 4-star gold rating for this fund from the Global Impact Investing Rating System (GIIRS) in 2015.

Mark’s career includes development finance, structured finance, external auditing and property management experience. Prior to joining Mergence, he worked at Mettle Specialised Finance, establishing new wholesale debt funding relationships, performing due diligences, drafting business plans, financial modelling, liaison with funding partners and oversight of proprietary private equity investments. Mark is a sought-after speaker on impact and infrastructure investments and serves on the ASISA Responsible Investments Committee. Mark is also a guest lecturer at the UCT Graduate School of Business on topics of impact and responsible investing. In 2014, he received an ABSIP Award for Alternative Asset / Fund Manager.

Mark brings deep sincerity and commitment to South Africa’s future in all that he does. In sourcing unlisted impact investments for his funds he has been guided from the start by the diagnostic precursor report to the National Development Plan, thus ensuring that Mergence’s impact investments have been aligned with badly needed national priorities.

We all work hard at Mergence, but Mark possibly leads as it is rumoured that he took his laptop to the beach during a company strategy session. Downtime is family time in the beautiful Cape Town surroundings where he was brought up.


  • B Com, 1999, University of Western Cape
  • B Com (Hons), 2001, University of Natal
  • Chartered Accountant, 2005, South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
  • Member of Association of Black Securities and Investment Professionals (ABSIP)


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