Peter Lund-Thomsen
Professor with special responsibilities, PhD at CBS Executive
- CBS Executive
CBS Executive
My research focuses on the linkage between global value chains, industrial upgrading, and corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) in developing countries. I theorize and empirically investigate how CSER policies of internationally branded companies are implemented in global supply chains, and how they affect supplier competitiveness, work conditions, and the environment in the South.
To date I have had 26 articles accepted in internationally peer-reviewed journals, and I am Associate Editor of “Business Ethics: A European Review”. I have recently co-edited three special issues of international journals. The first deals with micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises and CSER in developing economies and will be published by Business & Society (w. Jamali and Jeppesen). I have also co-edited a special issue of Competition and Change (with P. Wad) that deals with global value chains, local economic organization, and the CSER in the BRICS countries (vol. 18, no. 4, 2014). Finally, I have just finished co-editing a special issue of the Journal of Business Ethics on the relationship between industrial clusters and CSER in developing countries (w. Lindgreen and Vanhamme) which is now online first at the Journal of Business Ethics website.
The merits of my research have been independently verified by the Danish Development Research Council and the Danish Social Science Research Council through five major research grants. In 2013, I received a new grant from the Danish Social Science Research Council to undertake a study of multi-stakeholder initiatives for sustainable cotton production in the textile value chains of Pakistan and India. In this project, I am working together with Neil Coe (National University of Singapore), Lone Riisgaard (Roskilde University), and Sukhpal Singh (Indian Institute of Management).
Primary research areas
- CSER in Developing Countries
- Industrial Upgrading & MSMEs
- Ethical and Fair Trade
- Global Value Chains and Clusters
- The International Football, Garment and Leather Tanning Industries
Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: A Path to Sustainable Development? (Business and Development Studies Master Core Course)
Supervision of Ph.D, master, and bachelor theses in the broad area of business and sustainable development.
Read about executive education
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