Melanie Wiener
Assistant Professor | Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Integrated Quality Design (IQD) | Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz at WU Executive Academy Vienna
WU Executive Academy Vienna
Curriculum Vitae
since 08/2017 Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Integrated Quality Design (IQD), Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria
06/2017 PhD graduation (Dr. rer. soc.oec.) at the Institute for Strategic Management (ISM), Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria
2014 – 2017 Research associate at the Institute for Strategic Management (ISM), Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria
2009 – 2012 Master degree in vocational studies and business education at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria
2009 – 2011 Sports and Event Management MBA at Danube University, Krems, Austria
2002 – 2007 Master degree in business & economics at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria
2004 – 2005 ERASMUS exchange program & Bachelor degree in economic sciences, Växjö University, Sweden
Alcayaga A., Wiener M., Hansen E.: Towards a framework of smart-circular systems: An integrative literature review, in Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 621, Elsevier B.V., pp. 622-634, 2019
Wiener M., Gattringer R., Strehl F.: Collaborative open foresight - A new approach for inspiring discontinuous and sustainability-oriented innovations, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, series In Press, Elsevier, 2019
Wiener M., Boer H.: Cultural Prerequisites for Participating in Open Foresight, in R&D Management, series Accepted, Wiley, 2019
Schmidthuber L., Wiener M.: Aiming for a Sustainable Future: Conceptualizing Public Open Foresight, in Public Management Review, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 82-107, 2018
Wiener M.: Open foresight: The influence of organizational context., in Creativity and Innovation Management, Wiley, pp. Published online: 06 Nov 2017, 2017
Wiener M., Gattringer R., Strehl F.: Participation in inter-organisational collaborative open foresight: A matter of culture, in Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Taylor & Francis, pp. Published online: 12 Sep 2017, 2017
Gattringer R., Wiener M., Strehl F.: The challenge of partner selection in collaborative foresight projects, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 120, pp. 298-310, 2017
Wiener M., Gall M., Chagas de Oliveira C., Lang R.: Circular Business Model Innovation - Insights from Mr. Green Africa: Proceedings of the 19th International CINet Conference - Continuous Innovation: Spinning out and spinning in, 2018
Wiener M., Gattringer R., Strehl F.: Inspiring discontinuous and sustainability-oriented innovations: Proceedings: 18th International CINet Conference, 2017
Wiener M., Gattringer R., Strehl F.: Open for Open Foresight - A cultural perspective: Proceedings: 18th International CINet Conference, 2017
Wiener M., Gattringer R., Strehl F.: Foresight across boundaries - Corporate Cultural Features Conducive To Open-Foresight Participation: Proceedings 17th International CINet Conference - Innovation and tradition: combining the old and the new, 2016
Wiener M.: An Adhocracy Corporate culture as key to success in open foresight Processes: 16th International CINet Conference - Pursuing Innovation Leadership, 2015
Gattringer R., Wiener M., Strehl F.: Open Foresight in the Front-End of an Open Innovation Process: 16th International CINet Conference - Pursuing Innovation Leadership, 2015
Alcayaga A., Wiener M., Hansen E.: An integrated literature review on quality, life-cyle strategies and service business models. Report 1 [unpublished report], Institute for Integrated Quality Design (IQD), Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria, 2018
Wiener M.: Open Foresight und Unternehmenskultur - Organisationskulturelle Faktoren förderlich für Open Foresight, 2017
Wiener M.: Qualitätsmanagement im Fluss – Expeditionsteam "Qualität 2030" auf der Donau gestartet, Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH [News Blog], 2018
Wiener M.: „Entwicklungen vorantreiben, statt von ihnen getrieben zu werden“ – Das Institute for Integrated Quality Design (IQD) lädt zur Reise in die Zukunft der Qualität ein, Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH [News Blog], 2018
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