Priscilla Burnaby

Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Bentley University


  • Bentley University



Bentley University

Priscilla Burnaby, PhD was a senior auditor with Coopers & Lybrand in Boston. She is a Full Professor of Accountancy at Bentley, where she is in her 39th year of service. Current research interests are in the areas of enterprise-wide risk management, performance measurement, and internal auditing issues. Her teaching interests include internal auditing, risk management, performance measurement, forensic and investigative accounting . She has been the Bentley coordinator for the Institute of Internal Auditors' Internal Auditing Educational Partnership since 1991 and created both the Internal Audit course at the undergraduate and graduate level and Risk Management and Performance Measurement course at the graduate level. She was formerly president of the American Accounting Associations Northeast Region. She has published in Accounting Horizons, International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, Internal Auditing, Internal Auditor, The Government Accountants Journal, The Ohio CPA, The Journal of Case Research, Women and Men Working Together, Massachusetts CPA Review, Managerial Accounting Journal, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting. She has written chapters or cases in the following books: Cases in Government and Nonprofit Organizations, Financial Management of Government: Research Issues, Issues for Women in Higher Education, and Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting: Its Time Has Come. She co-authored a research report on service efforts and accomplishments reporting for the Government Accounting Standards Board. She has presented numerous research papers at regional, national, and international conferences. In 1994, she received the Author of the Year Award from The Government Accountants Journal. In 2003, in recognition of her years of service, she was elected to American Accounting Association's Northeast Region's Hall of Fame. In 2004, she received the Lean Radde Educator of the Year Award from the Institute of Internal Auditors. She is the lead author, coordinator and a member of the Lead Team for The IIA's CBOK 2006 research study. In August 2007, she was a keynote speaker at the Institute of Internal Auditing South Africa's annual conference in Johannesburg, South Africa.


  • Ph.D. Texas A&M University-Coll Stat

Teaching Interests

Risk Management and Performance Measures; Internal Auditing

Research Interests

Enterprise Risk Management; Performance Measurements; International and national Internal Auditing Issues: and forensic and investigative

Consulting/Practice Interests

Enterprise-wide Risk Management; Performance Measurements; Internal Auditing Issues: forensic, investigative and fraud detection

Awards and Honors

  • 2015, Research Award , Forensic & Investigative Accounting (FIA) Section of the American Accounting Association 2015
  • 2012, Service Award, Forensic and Investigative Accounting Section
  • 2007, The Research Institute The Institute of internal Auditors, CBOK Grant $160,000 December 2005 october 2007.
  • 2004, Bentley Publication Awards - 1986, 1987, 1990, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003
  • 2004, Lean Radde Educator of the Year Award for the Institute of Internal Auditors for 2004
  • 2004, Summer Research or Course Revision Grants - 1987, 1988, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2001
  • 2003, Hall of Fame for the Northeast Region of American Accounting Association in recognition for years of service in 2003.
  • 2003, Rauch Awards -- 1983, 1984, 1985, and 1986
  • 2002, Academic Relations Program Award of the Institute of Internal Auditors in 2001-2002.
  • 2002, Beta Gamma Sigma recognized for dedicated and distinguished service to the Bentley College Chapter in 2002.
  • 1995, Academic Advisers Award for 1995 in recognition of support, dedication, and service to the student body.
  • 1994, National Author's Award for 1995 from the Association of Government Accountants for the article, "Service Efforts and Accomplishments: Its Time Has Come," which appeared in the Fall 1994 issue of The Government Accountants JOURNAL.


Journal Articles

  • Burnaby, P. A., Gates, A. (2017). Performance measurement systems used for evaluation of internal audit activities: Discussions with chief audit executives. Internal Auditing. Forthcoming.
  • Burnaby, P. A. (2017). Performance measurement systems used for evaluation of internal audit activities: Discussions with chief audit executives. Internal Auditing, (January/February)
  • Coetzee, P., Fourie, H., Burnaby, P. A., , . (2015). The growth of the internal audit profession is more than just numbers: fact or fiction? “Evidence from South Africa. Managerial Auditing Journal, (30) 6/7 514-538.
  • Muehlmann, B. W., Burnaby, P. A. (2015). The Role of Special Masters in Federal Tax Cases as Identified in Court Opinion. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, (Vol. 7) Issue 2 1-30.
  • Howe, M. A., Burnaby, P. A., Muehlmann , B. W. (2013). Who are you going to Call? The IRS and the SEC Whistleblower Awards Programs. Fraud Magizine, (28) 3 48-52.
  • Muehlmann, B. W., Burnaby, P. A., Howe, M. A. (2013). Summary Witness Testimony in Federal Tax Litigation Cases. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, (5) 1 1-35.
  • Muehlmann, B. W., Burnaby, P. A., Howe, M. A. (2012). A Study of the Emerging Use of Forensic Accounting Experts in Tax Litigation,” Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, (4) 2 pp. 1-34.
  • Muehlmann, B. W., Baez, W., Burnaby, P. A. (2012). Income from Student Inventions and the Kiddie Tax. The ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research/American Accounting Association, (10 ) 2 pp. 1-13.
  • Burnaby, P. A. (2012). Emerging Trends and Leading Practices in Internal Audit the 2011 Chief Audit Executive Panel Discussion. Internal Auditing, (27) 2 27-35.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S. (2011). Generic Health Care Hospital: The Road to an Integrated ERM. Issues in Accounting Eduation, (26) 2 305-320.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S., , . (2011). Internal Auditing in the Americas. Managerial Auditing Journal, (26) 8 734-756.
  • Howe, M. A., Burnaby, P. A., Muehlmann, B. W. (2011). Reducing Vendor Fraud Risk: Using the Excluded Parties List System. Fraud Magizine. 21-22.
  • Muehlmann, B. W., Burnaby, P. A. (2011). The Travels of a T-shirt in the Global World of Taxation: Teaching Multi-Jurisdictional Taxation Following the Life of a T-shirt. Issues in Accounting Education, (26) 1 67-86.
  • Muehlmann, B. W., Burnaby, P. A., Howe, M. A. (2011). Detecting Fraud in the Organization: An Internal Audit Perspective. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, (3) 1 194-232.
  • Hass, S., Burnaby, P. A. (2010). The Evolution of Important Competencies and Knowledge for Internal Auditors in the United States. Internal Auditing. 3-13.
  • Muehlmann, B. W., Burnaby, P. A., Howe, M. A. (2010). Internal Auditors' Role in Finding Corruption. Internal Auditing, (25) 5 8-16.
  • Muehlmann, B. W., Burnaby, P. A., Howe, M. A. (2010). Internal Auditor’s Role in Finding Corruption. Internal Auditing, (25) 28 8-16.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S., Abdolmohammadi, M. J. (2009). A Global Summary of the Internal Auditing's Common Body of Knowledge. Internal Auditing. January-February 1-26.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S. (2009). A Summary of the Global Common Body of Knowledge 2006 (CBOK) Study In Internal Auditing. Managerial Auditing Journal, (24) 9 813-834.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S., Abdolmohammadi, M. J. (2009). Internal Auditing's Common Body of Knowledge Survey Comparison of US and Non-US Respondents. Internal Auditing, (24) 1 3-25.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S. (2009). Ten Steps to Enterprise Risk Management. Corporate Governance, (9) 5 539-550.
  • Marais, M., Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S., Sadler, E., Fourie, H. (2009). Usage of Internal Auditing Standards and Internal Auditing Activities In South Africa and All Respondents. Managerial Auditing Journal, (24) 9 883-898.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Abdolmohammadi, M. J., Hass, S., Sarens, G., Alegrini, M. (2009). Usage of Internal Auditing Standards by Companies in the United States and Select European Countries. Managerial Auditing Journal, (24) 9 835-860.
  • Abdolmohammadi, M. J., Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S. (2006). A Review of Prior Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) Studies in Internal Auditing and an Overview of the Global CBOK 2006. Managerial Auditing Journal, (21) 8 811-821.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S., Abdolmohammadi, M. J. (2006). A Survey of Internal Auditors to Establish the Scope of the Common Body of Knowledge Study in 2006. Managerial Auditing Journal, (21) 8 854-868.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S. (2006). Suprema Specialties, Inc. The Journal of Acconting Case Research, (9) 1 82-98.
  • Hass, S., Abdolmohammadi, M. J., Burnaby, P. A. (2006). The Americas' Literature on Expanded Scope of Internal Auditing. Managerial Auditing Journal, (21) 8 835-844.
  • Bather, A., Burnaby, P. A. (2006). The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board as a Public/Private Partnershp: National and International Implications. Managerial Auditing Journal, (21) 6 657-669.
  • Malgwi, C. A., Howe, M. A., Burnaby, P. A. (2005). Influences on Students' Choice of College Major. The Journal of Education for Business, (80) 5 275-282.
  • Hass, S., Burnaby, P. A., Bierstaker, J. (2005). The Use of Performance Measures as an Integral Part of an Entity's Strategic Plan. Managerial Auditing Journal, (20) 2 179-186.
  • Bierstaker, J. L., Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S. (2003). Recent Changes in Internal Auditor's Use of Software. Internal Auditing, (18 Number 4) July/August 39-45.
  • Burnaby, P. A. (2002). Accounting Rocks!. The CPA Journal, (IXXII/NO.4) April 80.
  • Usoff, C. A., Thibodeau, J. C., Burnaby, P. A. (2002). The Importance of Intellectual Capital and its Effect on Performance Measurement Systems: An Empirical Observation. Managerial Auditing Journal, (17) 1/2 9-15.
  • Bierstaker, J. L., Burnaby, P. A., Thibodeau, J. C. (2001). How Internal Auditors Are Utilizing Software. Internal Auditing, (16 Number 5) September/October 40-43.
  • Bierstaker, J. L., Burnaby, P. A., Thibodeau, J. C. (2001). The Impact of Information Technology on the Audit Process: An Assessment of the State of the Art and Implications for the Future. Managerial Auditing Journal, (16) 3 159-164.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Klein, L. A. (2000). Internal Auditors' Changing Roles. Internal Auditing, (15) May/June 15-24.
  • Abdolmohammadi, M. J., Burnaby, P. A., Greenlay, L., Thibodeau, J. C. (1997). Environmental Accounting in the United States: From Control and Prevention to Remediation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting, (4) 2 199-217.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Klein, L. A. (1987). The Plan to Restructure Professional Standards: The Changes and How They Could Affect You. The Ohio CPA Journal. Autumn 11-15.
  • Burnaby, P. A. (). CBOK 2015’s 10 Imperatives for Internal Auditors to be Successful. Internal Auditing, . Forthcoming.
  • Bierstaker, J. L., Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S. (). Internal Auditors' Fraud Detection and Prevention Methods. Internal Auditor. May/June Forthcoming.
  • Burnaby, P. A., Hass, S. (). Trends in Internal Audit Strategies. Internal Auditor. May/June Forthcoming.


  • Burnaby, P. A., Abdolmohammadi, M. J., Hass, S. (2007). A Global Summary of the Common Body of Knowledge 2006. 472. Orlando, FL: The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation (Link)
  • Burnaby, P. A., Abdolmohammadi, M. J., Hass, S. (2007). A Global Summary of the Common Body of Knowledge 2006 Preview Edition. 47. IIA Research Foundation, Florida: The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation, 2007

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