Rik-Jan Modderkolk

at THNK School of Creative Leadership


  • THNK School of Creative Leadership



THNK School of Creative Leadership

International Health Manager at Pon Holdings

My experience and deep interests:

I am based in: Almere


Every step I have made in in my health career was necessary to do the specific job I do today. Working at an international trade company was not what I had in mind at the beginning of my career. Looking back however, the various steps I took, make sense in my ambition to play a role of importance in work-related health.


I explored many opportunities at Pon and was granted the chance to evolve these opportunities to the current health program. The so-called Pon Fit program is successful at Pon, however the program can reach higher levels if it involves external companies and governments as well. This means my influence needs to push through borders to get at this new level playing field. This is one of the goals I hope to accomplish with help of the THNK people.


I am married and have 2 sons, age 20 and 9. To keep up the pace I like to work out on the race bike or occasionally on the MTB. In early 2016 I got my license for track racing, a new exciting experience. In the winter you can find me on the skis. I also love music. Mostly as a listener, because music-making in a brass band couldn’t be combined with work and sports (I was a horn player). I am a fan of Chaka Khan, Earth Wind and Fire and music with a solid horn section like Chicago, Tower of Power a.o.. In classical music I admire the work of conductor Gustavo Dudamel.

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