S G Badrinath

Visiting Faculty at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore


  • Indian Institute of Management Bangalore



Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Professor Badrinath is currently a Visiting Faculty, Canara Bank Chair in Banking & Finance and Chair of the Centre for Capital Markets and Risk Management at IIMB.

He has held tenured professorship at Purdue University, Rutgers University and San Diego State University. He has served as the faculty advisor to the Aztec Equity Fund and has received college and university-wide teaching awards.

Research Areas: Investments, Equity Markets, Risk Management

Significant Publications:

Badrinath, S.G. and S. Gubellini, 2013, "Governing Derivatives: The Devil is in the Details," in Credit Portfolio Securitizations and Derivatives, editors H. Scheule and D. Rosch, Wiley, ISBN 9781119963967. Badrinath, S.G. and S. Gubellini, 2012, "Does Conditional mutual fund outperformance exist?, Managerial Finance, 38(12), 1160-1183. Badrinath, S.G. and S. Gubellini, 2011, "On the Characteristics and Performance of Long-short, Market-neutral and Bear Mutual Funds," Journal of Banking and Finance, 35(7), 1762-1776. Badrinath, S.G. and S. Gubellini, 2010, "Mutual Fund Performance: A Synthesis of Taxonomic an d Methodological Issues," IIM-B Management Review, 22(4), 147-164. Badrinath, S.G. and S. Gubellini, 2010, "Securitization in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis: Lessons for Emerging Economies," Journal of Emerging Financial Markets, 2(1), 1-19. Anshuman, V.R and S.G. Badrinath, 2007, "A framework for a Securities Market Database in India," Economic and Political Weekly (Dec), 81-88. (Special Article). Badrinath, S.G, S. Chakravarty, A. Anand and R. Wood, 2006, "Is it prudent to trade around analyst recommendation changes? An analysis of transactions costs," Journal of Trading, 2-17. Badrinath, S.G and S. Wahal, 2002 "Momentum trading by institutions," Journal of Finance 57 (6), 2449-2478. Badrinath, S.G. and O. Kini, 2001, ""The robustness of abnormal returns from the earnings-yield contrarian investment strategy," Journal of Financial Research, 24 (3). Badrinath, S.G., N. Varaiya and R. Ferling, 2001, "To buy or not to buy," Financial Executive, 43-46. Lewellen, W.G. and S.G. Badrinath, 1997, "On the measurement of Tobin's q," Journal of Financial Economics, 44, 77-122. Badrinath, S.G. and P.J. Bolster, 1996, "The role of market forces in EPA enforcement activity," The Journal of Regulatory Economics, 10, 165-181. Badrinath, S.G., J.R. Kale and H.E. Ryan, 1996, "Characteristics of common stock holdings of insurance companies," Journal of Risk and Insurance, 63 (1), 49-76. Badrinath, S.G., J.R. Kale and T.H. Noe, 1995, "Of shepherds, sheep and the cross-autocorrelation in equity returns," Review of Financial Studies, 8 (2), 401-430. Badrinath, S.G. and O. Kini, 1994, "The relationship between securities yield, firm size, earnings/price ratios, firm size and Tobin's q," Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 21(1), 109-131. Badrinath, S.G. and S. Chatterjee, 1993, "Systematic risk estimation in the presence of large and many outliers," Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 3(1), 5-28, (lead article). Badrinath, S.G. and O. Kini, 1992, "Portfolio management using a factor-analytic stock selection strategy," Managerial and Decision Economics, 13 (4), 305-314. Badrinath, S.G. and W.G. Lewellen, 1991, "Evidence on tax-motivated securities trading behavior," Journal of Finance, 46 (1), 369-382. Badrinath, S.G. and S. Chatterjee, 1991, "A data analytic look at skewness and elongation in common stock return distributions," The Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 9 (2), 223-233. Badrinath, S.G., G.D. Gay and J.R. Kale, 1989, "Patterns of institutional investment, prudence and the managerial safety-net hypothesis," The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 56 (4), 605-629, ( lead article). Badrinath, S.G. and S. Chatterjee, 1988, "On measuring skewness and elongation in common stock return distributions: The case of the market index," The Journal of Business, 61 (4), 451-472. Margotta, D. and S.G. Badrinath, 1987, "Effects of the New Jersey shareholder protection legislation on stock prices," in Corporate takeovers revisited: Policy implications of recent research, Editor Ellen B. Magenheim, Brookings Institution Forum.

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