Sahar Mousavi

Lecturer in Marketing Programme Director, BSc in Marketing and Management at Loughborough University School of Business and Economics


Dr. Sahar Mousavi is a Lecturer in Marketing. Before joining Loughborough University in 2017, Sahar was a Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Manchester, UK. She received her Ph.D. in Marketing from the Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester and her MBA from the University of Birmingham, UK.

Dr. Mousavi serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Product and Brand Management and European Journal of Marketing and has been an ad-hoc reviewer for several international journals. Sahar also serves as a reviewer, discussant, and session chair for various academic conferences.

Sahar was awarded the Dean’s Award for Early Career Teacher of the Year in 2019. Dr. Mousavi was nominated for the 2021 PhD Supervisor of the Year Award and was shortlisted for Digital Innovation in Teaching Award at The Loughborough Academic Awards 2021.


  • Najafi-Tavani, Z, Mousavi, S, Zaefarian, G, Naudé, P (2020) Relationship learning and international customer involvement in new product design: The moderating roles of customer dependence and cultural distance, Journal of Business Research, 120, pp.42-58, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.07.020.
  • Ngarmwongnoi, C, Oliveira, J, AbedRabbo, M, Mousavi, S (2020) The implications of eWOM adoption on the customer journey, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(7), pp.749-759, DOI: 10.1108/JCM-10-2019-3450.
  • Keeling, DI, de Ruyter, K, Mousavi, S, Laing, A (2019) Technology push without a patient pull: Examining digital unengagement (DU) with online health services, European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), pp.1701-1732, DOI: 10.1108/EJM-10-2017-0692.
  • Hogreve, J, Wünderlich, NV, Chowdhury, IN, Fleischer, H, Mousavi, S, Rötzmeier-Keuper, J, Sousa, R (2019) Overcoming vulnerability: Channel design strategies to alleviate vulnerability perceptions in customer journeys, Journal of Business Research, 116, pp.377-386, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.07.027.
  • Mousavi, S, Roper, S, Keeling, K (2017) Interpreting social identity in online brand communities: Considering posters and lurkers, Psychology & Marketing, 34(4), pp.376-393, DOI: 10.1002/mar.20995.

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