Found 730 experts

Ayelet Israeli

Harvard Business School

Marvin Bower Associate Professor at Harvard Business School

Damian Grimshaw

Alliance Manchester Business School

King’s Business School

Professor of Employment Studies at Alliance Manchester Business School

Professor of Employment Studies at King’s Business School

Primavera De Filippi

IE Business School

Research Fellow at Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University at IE Business School

M. R. Sauter

Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies

Julie Boyd

Professor at The New School for Drama

Brad Robin

DePaul University

Lecturer at DePaul University

Lauren Scholz

Assistant Professor at Florida State University College of Law

James Moore

Lecturer in Strategy

Övül Sezer

Columbia Business School

Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia Business School

Hubert Barth

Munich Business School

Managing Partner EY Germany at Munich Business School