Found 391 experts

Yu-Chih Chen

Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong

Yunxia Feng

Renmin Business School

Professor of Organization and Human Resources at Renmin Business School

Wu Xun

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Tinglong Dai

Carey Business School

Assistant Professor (Operations Management & Business Analytics) at Carey Business School

Michael Slepian

Columbia Business School

Assistant Professor of Business at Columbia Business School

Alan Andrew Scheller Wolf

Tepper School of Business

Richard M. Cyert Professor of Operations Management Senior Associate Dean, Faculty and Research at Tepper School of Business

Wilbur Chung

The Robert H. Smith School of Business

Jared Curhan

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Sloan School of Management

Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management and Associate Professor of Work and Organization Studies at Sloan School of Management

Ryan Outlaw

Kelley School of Business

Assistant Professor of Management at Kelley School of Business

John Sherry

Mendoza College of Business

Raymond W. & Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of Marketing at Mendoza College of Business