Found 999+ experts

Chakravarthi Narasimhan

Olin Business School

Subrata Sen

Yale School of Management

Joseph F. Cullman 3rd Professor of Organization, Management, and Marketing at Yale School of Management

Lisa Ordóñez

Eller Executive Education

Vice Dean of Academic Programs, McClelland Professor of Management and Organizations, McClelland Professor of Marketing at Eller Executive Education

Annie Wilson

The Wharton School

Lecturer in Marketing at The Wharton School

Gina Levow

UW Professional & Continuing Education

Assistant Professor at UW Professional & Continuing Education

Lori Heckbert

Lecturer, of Management

Kent Grayson

Kellogg School of Management

Associate Professor of Marketing, Bernice and Leonard Lavin Professorship at Kellogg School of Management

Terry Connolly

Eller Executive Education

Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations at Eller Executive Education

Murali Mantrala

Indian School of Business (ISB)

Professor Emeritus at University of Missouri-Columbia / Visiting Professor in Marketing Area and Research Fellow at Indian School of Business (ISB)

Cormac Walsh

IESE Business School

Public Speaking Trainer at IESE Business School